Nutritional Support for the Immune System

Juli Mazi
2 min readJun 27, 2022

In these days of the COVID-19 pandemic and the advent of new viral strains, eating healthy foods can improve your immune system and protect you from illness and infection, according to Juli Mazi. Antioxidant-rich meals provide excellent protection for the body. Although no single food has all the antioxidants necessary to boost your immune system, consuming these foods can dramatically improve your health and energy level. Consider adding the following foods to your everyday diet.

Include foods rich in zinc, selenium, and vitamin C in your diet to improve your immune system. These nutrients assist manage your body’s inflammatory response and strengthen your immune system’s defenses. Vitamin B-6, which is needed for the production of new red blood cells and the maintenance of the lymphatic system, is abundant in flank steak. Additionally, chicken, turkey, cold-water fish, chickpeas, and bananas are excellent suppliers. Additionally, you can add hemp seeds and chopped almonds to your meals.

Inflammation is the body’s plea for assistance and its declaration of war against an invader. It is a normal response governed by your immune system. However, when your immune system fails to recognize invaders, it can induce inflammation and reduce your body’s ability to fight against the invader. The consumption of new vegetables, berries, celery, apples, and tomatoes can reduce inflammation.

Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients. One cup of broccoli offers as much vitamin C as a single orange. Broccoli also contains beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc, iron, and potassium. Additionally, broccoli is rich in B vitamins and a potent immune system enhancer. Broccoli is also rich in glutathione, the body’s primary antioxidant. Additionally, it minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Juli Mazi noted that a good diet prevents the spread of infectious diseases. Eating well increases the efficacy of the immune system, making it easier to fight sickness. A healthy diet is essential for a robust immune system. By consuming more fruits and vegetables, you can strengthen your body’s defenses against pathogens and poisons. The immune system is the body’s defense and aids in the regeneration of cells following disease.

It is crucial to strengthen your immune system daily by consuming meals rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids combat inflammation and serve as the ideal building blocks for cell membranes. Additionally, avoiding sugary and salty processed foods can strengthen the immune system. Switching to carrots and sweet potatoes can minimize your chance of becoming ill without the need for a special diet. There are numerous advantages to eating healthily, so make a change now.

Juli Mazi underlined that oranges and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin increases the formation of virus-fighting white blood cells. Oranges and red peppers can lower the duration and intensity of a cold. Check out the CDC’s nutritional recommendations for more information on vitamin C and the immune system. Additionally, you should add vitamin D in your diet. You’ll be pleased you did.



Juli Mazi

Dr. Juli Mazi is a qualified primary care physician and a Naturopathic Doctor.